Friday, September 9, 2011

Labor Day Camping...

We decided on Labor Day weekend to go camping down at New Mannford Ramp. It was Albert, Triton, Preslee, and I. Anastacia was in Tulsa with Nana for the weekend. We had a great time relaxing, swimming, playing, and hanging out.

Here are a few pictures of some of the things we did while we were down there...
The 4 of us swimming in Lake Keystone at New Mannford Ramp on Saturday the 3rd

Preslee and I in Lake Keystone at New Mannford Ramp on Saturday the 3rd

After swimming we went back to the trailer and Preslee was playing in the floor in the trailer while I was starting dinner. Such a sweet little girl...

Sunday the 4th we went to play at the playground there in the campgrounds...Preslee on the playground equipment...

We buried Uncle Tommy in the gravel and so we thought we would set Preslee in it and bury her legs and feet you can see she didn't like it very well...

Daddy to the rescue...He took her out of the gravel and she was content...

Sunday we had Tommy, Dara, Colt, and Gina all down there and we were getting ready to grill and it was getting chilly. Little Preslee didn't have any winter or even longer clothes so us girls ran up to the store and got her a few things and this zebra outfit is one of them. I love this picture...

We did have a great time at the lake and even though it is just a few miles away from home it is still nice to get away and have a little fun. This was Preslee's first camping trip and the first one we have taken since the wedding on 05/01/10.

Saturday night we got all setup and situated and Gina and her boyfriend, Josh, came down. Gina came first while we went swimming and took the pictures of us swimming and then Josh showed up later and we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and had macaroni salad and just hung out. They stayed really late. Sunday we got up and Albert cooked bacon and eggs outside on the grill using a cast iron skillet and I made fried taters in the trailer and then Tommy, Dara, and Colt came down and we all went swimming and then we went back to the trailer and changed and we went up to the playground and let the kids and us big kids play. After that we came back and Dara and I ran to the grocery store to grab a few more things to cook and back we came. Gina came down and we grilled steaks and hamburgers and I made fried taters in the trailer again. Tommy, Dara, and Colt left and we got all settled in and went to bed. Monday we got up and got around and we went home. Monday evening we had a cookout at Nana's house so we had hamburgers and smoked sausage along with potato salad. It was a good weekend all and all...