Friday, October 29, 2010

This Week...

So far this week everything has been going ok. I went to the doctor for a checkup on Preslee and everything looked great. You can view her blog at it has all the full details and updates regarding the pregnancy.

Well we decided to have some more beanie hats made and I told Albert to pick the colors on these hats and so he and white...I wanted 2 hats to be made so with his help deciding the colors we did that. One hat is orange with a white flower and the other is a white hat with an orange flower. I am going to pick them up after work today!

They are hand made from a lady I found in Sand Springs. I am going to have some more done to match more of her outfits after the baby shower! Also last night I had been getting formula samples and etc and then my cousin Chandra gave me a punch of baby food. Well a week ago I cleared out one of the cabinets so we can keep Preslee's formula, food, bottles, etc in this cabinet and all together. Well last night I put the stuff in there! Yay! Feels like things are coming together so quickly now and I am so super excited.

Also, let me go backwards a bit, on Wednesday we received a package in the mail and it was a baby shower gift from Albert's cousin, Cody, and his fiance, Lauren...They got us the 25 piece Deluxe Healthcare and Grooming Kit for Preslee. Yay! It is so cute and we put it into her nursery already!

Tonight after work I am running errands to get some things done. I have to go from work (Cushing) to Tulsa to take my hubby's check to the bank, drop off the money for Blue & Gold and the money for Anastacia to go to a carnival tonight. Then I am picking up a Boppy pillow that I am buying from a lady and then going to Sand Springs to pick up the 2 hats we had made and then FINALLY get to go home! Yay! Lots of errands tonight...

Right now it is lunch time and I am about to head out to run a few errands for lunch! Got to get gas and prepare for the errands after work, stop at the smoke shop for my husband, and run to Walmart for baskets for the kids this weekend to go Trick or Treating. We will be doing that tomorrow night. Oh the fun will be had! Yay!

The Sadness...

My husband got home from work early on 10/26 around 4am...I just couldn't fall back asleep. At this point in the pregnancy I am having a hard time going back to sleep and just sleeping period. Well I was tossing and turning trying to get comfortable and it just wasn't happening. I finally rolled over and I was facing the nightstand in our room that has our alarm clock and also where I set my phone and my bottled water at. Our clock (just for a descriptive purpose) has a teal colored display (the numbers) and so when I rolled over the way my pillow was it looked like a nightlight glowing (simple, right? No...)

Well as I was laying there thoughts started running through my head...When I thought nightlight I remember going into the funeral home to make the arrangements for Skylar's funeral and when the funeral director was telling us that baby Skylar had been brought to the funeral home that day already. He said that night he would make sure and leave a nightlight on for her so it wouldn't be dark. So, wow, it hit baby is gone. I should be holding a 3 1/2 month old baby at this point. From that point my mind just wandered...It went from the nightlight thing to the pictures that were flashing through my head from right after her birth up until the funeral and we sealed the casket.

My precious angel is Heaven and she is safe and sound but I would really love to have her here! She was so tiny, so fragile, and so beautiful...She was perfect...The perfect fingernails that you could see, the fingers, the toes, the feet, the hands, the face, the everything was beautiful and I miss her so much...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Costumes

Anastacia's Southern Belle Costume...

And Triton's Superman Costume...

Now we are ready for the candy...

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Weekend

Our weekend come and went as normal. Lot's of stuff to do but then again felt like we had alot of resting time (which is very nice must I say).

Friday night I just rested and didn't do much since my hubby worked all night...Triton and I watched some TV and then just laid around and rested. Saturday we got up and around and Albert helped his brother with an old car they have. Triton went home with Wayne and the girls to spend the night and then we went grocery shopping and bought Triton's Halloween outfit (he will be Superman) and come home and we just rested and spent some time together. Now both kids have their Halloween costumes and I will post the pictures tomorrow. We just sat around and then ran to the store and bought some pints of ice cream. Then came home and was cooking dinner for his Dad (since he has been gone all week) and then Stephanie and her friend come over and chatted and stayed for awhile. They left about 1am and we ate right before they left. We stayed up and his Dad ate and then we just hung out for a little bit longer.

Sunday we got up and got around and we went riding at Appalachian Bay and it was alot of fun. We rode the trails and stuff and was out there for awhile. We come home and then washed the 4 wheelers and took them home and then went to pick up Triton from Wayne's. We ate over there and just rested some because I was worn out and exhausted. We got home and got Triton into the bed and I was just ready to crash. We showered and got ready for bed and had some ice cream and then laid down to watch some TV and I crashed almost immediately.

Then today came and I am so, SO, so sore!