Friday, June 17, 2011

Triton is 4 and Preslee is 6 months...

Well today Triton turned 4...He is at daycare today because we had to work but when I get off he should have a small cake at home for him that says "Happy Birthday Triton" on it. We just did a small 6 inch cake because his birthday party is next Saturday the 25th and we have ordered his cake for that. Monday we are taking 15 cupcakes to daycare for his class to have a party. We didn't do it today because on Friday they go to the library so I didn't want to disrupt their day. Next Saturday the 25th we have his birthday party scheduled for down at the New Mannford Ramp. We have reserved the shelter all day and then we have rented 2 of the jupiter jumps.

The dinosaur one has a slide on the back. Can't wait. Momma and Preslee are going to slide! For his birthday party I have ordered a round cake that has a spider web design and then Spiderman figurines on it. He is into the Spiderman thing right now! I believe it will be so cute!

This past weekend we did Preslee's 6 month pictures. I loved them...We got them back last night and I uploaded all of them to FB but I will put a few on here. She is getting so big and so quick.

My kiddos are getting so big. Anastacia is 5 now and she is getting ready to go into Kindergarden this year. I can't believe it. Triton will start school also and go into the 4 year old program in Mannford. I will have 2 kids in school...WOW!!!!!

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