Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Last Few Days...

Well this week started out with me going to the Nuerologist on Monday morning for a one month checkup on my seizure medication and also suppose to get the results from my EEG which was done at the hospital last Thursday. Let me tell you that appointment lastest FOREVER. My appointment was at 9am and I didn't even get called back until 1010a. So it was 11a before I got back to work! BLAH. Anyways Dr. Wade had not received my EEG results from Hillcrest so I didn't get those he said he would have to call me with the results. He did up my medication to the 200mg per day (which is the dosage we were working up to). Now I take one pill with breakfast and one with dinner. Everything is going fine with that.

Tuesday came and work was long and I had decided to go back to the MEND group. First meeting since Preslee was born in November. I have missed the group and also talking with everyone. It was a very emotionally packed night. There have been ups and downs like always but now having Preslee makes things a bit stronger so to say. I talked about this the other night also about wondering how she would be, what she would be doing, etc. We discussed this in the MEND group. Also we discussed not going to the cemetary to visit with Skylar. Yes it is ok it is just heart wrenching to me right now! Also talked with another lady in the MEND about how after getting pregnant after the loss will not make you forget about the loss and your baby. I told her in talking alone outside before leaving that some days it helped me because I was able to focus all my energy on this growing life inside me. Some days I was so sad because I would think that 'at this point Skylar should have been here.' Some days are alot harder than others. The last few has brought back lots of memories and 'wonders' as to what would be here if she would have made it. Though I thank God everyday for the beautiful baby he did bless us with, Preslee. She is my ray of sunshine when all else around me seems to be crashing in those dark days.

Then comes Wednesday...Work was so busy and overwhelming. I can't seem to find this easy ground and can't find enough hours to get this work done! It just is NOT possible. The boss wants this, this, and this done and doesn't understand what other stuff I do. Though he has been told. It's just a boss for you, right? Still don't like it. So today I am advised that the 3 days I am in Cushing HH I need to be doing my insurance verification for new patients, getting auths, follow-up on the claims already billed, billing, patient billing, cash posting (this is my daily job) and then on top of this add 4 reports that he wants done by next week (that gives me 4 days to get this done). Then when I work in Tulsa HH I do data entry for the first half of the day and then billing assistance for 2nd half. Ok seems easy, right? No! While I'm there I should be doing data entry (which they are behind on because of the load of patients) and 2nd half I needed to be working on all the insurance letters that have come in and working 2 reports down there in 2 days. Is it possible, sure, if I was working 5 days a week and 5 nights a week I am sure I could get it done. So leaving work today I was so tired and stressed. Just like my husband, my best friend, and a co-worker in Cushing told me - Ashlee you are only one person! Just do what you can! - That sounds so good but then in the back of my mind you wonder if I don't get all this completed that my CFO is requesting be done if things won't get, for lack of better word, worse and him get pissy.

Then on top of this week Sunday night Preslee started getting a cough and runny nose. Well over the last few days it has just worsened. Last night her cough was horrible sounding. She woke me up about 330a this morning coughing in her sleep so I sat her up for a bit and then made her a warm bottle to help. She ended up going back to sleep. She was still sick when she woke up this morning but the sweet baby is always smiles.

She went to daycare this morning running a low grade fever (which she has since Sunday night). Got her home and they said she wouldn't eat much at daycare, she was very cranky so I laid her on our bed, gave her some Tylenol, and made her a warm bottle and she was out.

That was 630ish and she is still sleeping. The poor girl is sick. I am not going to get to work tomorrow but I will be taking her to the doctor, along with Anastacia. She has been sick also running a higher fever closer to 103 and throwing up. So tomorrow will be doctor's appointments to get these kiddos feeling better. Preslee has been kind of scratching at her ear so I am hoping she doesn't have an ear infection.

So far this week has just been full of lots of stuff. Also Triton and Albert went and had there hair cut today. So cute!

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