Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tulsa Home Health Baby Shower

Well last week when I worked in Tulsa they had a baby shower for me. It was very sweet considering I have only been working for Tulsa HH for about 2 months or so. They are all so nice down there. They have worked with me with all my doctor's appointments and never said anything to me about them. But mind you I am working up there to help them out so what can they say? LOL...Anyways here are the pictures of some of the items that I got for Preslee while I was up there...

 2 headbands from Melissa
 2 outfits with bibs from Karen
 Card from Suzanne and a gift card
 My ducky baby shower cake made by Katherine
 The ducky card signed by everyone in the office
 Ducky Bucket w/ towel and rubber ducky from Katherine
 Manicure Set, 2 headbands, Picture fram w/ curl and tooth box from Dana
 Me and my ducky cake
  Outfit from Melissa
 Pink Blanket from Dana
 Purple Tutu and matching Puprle Headband from Heather
Outfit from Katherine (the office manager)

There are more pictures they are just on my camera and I haven't had the time to put them onto a CD so I can upload them.

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