Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What A Busy Weekend And Start To The Week...

Well our weekend was very busy actually. Friday night when I got off work I picked up Triton in Mannford from daycare and we headed to Tulsa to deposit Albert's payroll check. Earlier that day Albert called and said that the company that laid him off FINALLY sent him severance pay... The money was so nice to have... Anyways drove to Tulsa and got that deposited and headed home and we stopped and picked up pizza for dinner. Nice break to start a weekend. Part of the pizza ordeal is that I had my baby shower on Saturday and I was worn out from all the driving that I just wanted to come home and relax and prepare for Saturday. Albert called that night on his lunch break and said he had to work from 2p-10p on Saturday. The money is nice and it was ok (this Saturday) because I was going to be gone most of the day to my baby shower. Otherwise I like him home on the weekends so I can spend time with him since we work opposite hours.

Saturday morning comes around and I get up and around and let Albert sleep since he had to work and got ready to go to the baby shower. Triton went to his uncle Wayne's while I did the shower. I headed to Marisa's house and got there about noon (that is what I had planned all week...Yay). We went to Reasor's and picked up a few last minute things for the baby shower and then headed back to her house to get some stuff together. I had a blast and it was good to see everyone. Had a great turnout. After everyone left I stayed for awhile and just talked and hung out. Then realized it was getting late and I still had several errands to run. Her sweet hubby helped me load all the stuff into my car and then I headed out from there and ran to my aunt's house there in BA also and picked up some baby clothes that my cousin had left for me (her baby was born the day Albert and I got married 05/01/10). I left there and went to Promenade mall because we paid off my wedding ring and I get to pick it up tomorrow. Can't you tell I am so SUPER excited about this! Yay! Left the mall and headed over to Eyewitness Tattoo because I needed a clear nose ring and Albert needed some plugs for his ears. Was able to get my nose ring but not his plugs. Stopped by Nana's and then finally got home about 9:45pm Saturday night. I carried all the gifts inside and Albert got home about 1045pm and I sorted through everything and put it all away!

Sunday we got up and around and went to Tulsa to take Anastacia to Nana's and pick up Triton from Wayne's and we had to stop and get Albert some tools that he needed for work and also stop and get his earrings. On the way home we stopped at Walmart in Sand Springs and got some household things and groceries and just stuff that we needed. Spent ALOT of money. Went home and unloaded that and he worked out in the shop with his brother, dad, and family. I took a short lived nap because I had the worse headache ever and then he had to run to a friend's house and I ran up to the town grocery store to get some meat and a few other things that we just forgot while in Sand Springs. Got home with that and started the charcoal grill and we had steaks, fried taters, and corn on the cob! It was really good.

Then it changed...I was finished eating and was putting up dishes in the kitchen and Triton was finishing up eating at the table and Albert in the living room. Our 3 dogs had been fed but they weren't eating because Albert had food on his plate and they won't eat until he is done hoping he will feed them table scraps! Ugh dogs! Triton got down from the table to go get his bottle of pop from the coffee table and out of no where our puppy (she is/was 1 1/2 yrs old) jumped up and bit him in the face. I didn't realize what happened besides the crying I heard from him and Albert didn't see it either. Lulu never made a sound but Albert said out of the corner of his eye he could just see Triton walking by to the coffee table. Anyways still not knowing what fully happened Triton is crying and holding his face (I honestly thought he just bumped it on something) so I tell him to finish eating and we will deal with it when he is done (I know such a nice mom lol). He gets up to the table and moves his hand and I see blood, so, of course, I freaked out. Needless to say the puppy had to be put down because we can not take that chance with a baby coming in the next few weeks. Albert is rather upset about it but it will all work out and it is for the best. We don't need chances like that with a newborn in the house. Luckily it was just one took that punctured Triton's skin and then the rest is just bruising!

After all of that happened we settled down and got Triton into bed and Albert and I picked out Preslee's coming home outfit with the beanie and then also picked out the headband to match that same outfit for pictures in the hospital. We discussed a few things and also Albert wants me to get my bag packed so that away it is ready and he doesn't have to rush getting things or if it gets left at home he doesn't have to come home and search for things. I completely understand this. That is a task set aside for this week also.

Monday came and I worked and after work I ran to Walmart in Sand Springs to grab a few quick lunch items for Albert and also I went into the baby section and picked up Preslee some newborn socks (they matched perfectly with the going home outfit). I looked for a headsupport for her carseat but couldn't find one that matched the colors so I didn't get one. I also looked at a baby book but didn't really like the one they had so I am going to go at lunch today (Tuesday) in Cushing to see what I can find there. Went home last night and got Preslee's diaper bag completed and ready to go along with the outfits and all. Added a few extra things in there because I am sure when we leave the hospital we will make a few stops on the way home since all our family lives either in Tulsa or Sand Springs and we live on past them in Mannford. So better safe than sorry to have those few extra things! Also got her blanket out that we will use with the carseat and it is laying on top of her carseat and ready to go also. Everything seems ready in her room. I did email the girl that makes the headbands with 4 different outfits last night so she can start working on some new headbands for when Preslee gets here. Those are in the works. I also emailed the girl about the beanie hats because Albert wants a hat that matches Preslee's orange one so I need to see if she can make an adult size hat! Lots to do but it is all really easy (just typing).

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