Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Let's Catch Up...

Well alot has gone on in the past few weeks and it seems like I can't really catch a break to do much. So here comes a quick recap of the past month or so...

On January 20th Anastacia turned 5 years old...Can you believe it? Seriously my baby is 5 years old...Makes me feel old...

Anastacia wanted a princess/cinderalla cake and so she got the princess castle with the Cinderella on the side. She loved her cake. She also had a skating party for her birthday. She had alot of people show up to have fun with her...This is Marisa and I bringing her back from the center of the skating rink...They had sung happy bithday to her and announced her as the birthday girl for the day...

Then there was the massive snow storm and Preslee got an Upper Respiratory Infection and so we fought that for a week with antibiotics...No fun but luckily she got rid of it quickly and she returned to her happy self again. She went in for her 2 month checkup and received 3 shots and also an oral medication. She doesn't go back until she is 4 months old. Yay!

During the snow storm Triton got bored and he was into everything. I think he was a little sick of being in the house all the time also! He asked for something out of the fridge and we told him to go get it and a few minutes later went to go see what he is doing and this is what we found...

He was thirsty so he got his stool and climbed up  into the fridge to get his bottle of Sierra Mist off the top shelf...I guess he was desperate...Then one day we bought him an Orange pop from Walmart. We got home and he took it into his room while watching a movie. He came into our room while we were watching TV and this is the first thing I seen...

The orange pop mustache...How cute!!! Then one day we all rode our 4 wheelers in the snow...Here is Triton out riding his in the road (Albert is walking behind him)...

Glad those snow days are gone...I needed to get out and I had plans to get Preslee's Valentine's Day pictures done so I also scheduled and appointment to have my hair redone...I had to go cheap while I was pregnant because we were low on funds...So now I am back to the way I like it...Blonde with highlights on top and black on bottom...

I love my hair...Then that evening we had Preselee's Valentine's Day pictures done. I should be getting them back tomorrow. Yay...I can't wait to see them. Then here come Valentine's Day...Preslee got all decked out in her pink and her big flower...

She's getting so big...Then we went to dinner at Lin Cuisine in Sand Springs since that is my favorite restaraunt...It was so good...It was Albert, me, Triton, and Preslee...We celebrated on Feb. 13th since both of us had to work on Valentine's Day...Here is a picture once we got home of us...

Not the best of pictures but hey it's a picture...Then we got Preslee into her pajamas and into her bassinet...She looked like such an angel sleeping that night...

Here is another picture of her in this outfit but it is so sweet I couldn't resist...

Also since Preslee has become more 'verbal' and 'talkative' Triton is having alot of fun talking to her...

He keeps saying "Baby, Baby, Baby...Are you talking" it's so cute...Then we got Preslee with her Jordan's on one day...First time she has had actual shoes on...It was too cute...

One day Daddy put his hat on her and oh boy does she look like her father with this hat on...It's like a mini Albert...It's so stinken cute...I just love it!

This is what has been going on in the last few weeks with us and the kids (or the cute fun stuff)...

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