Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Seizure Update...

For some of you, you know that I had a seizure about 3 weeks ago while in Walmart in Sand Springs. I had Triton and Preslee with me and had just dropped off Anastacia. I was just doing my normal random shopping for a few things that I needed. Who would have ever thought, right? Well I was walking through the produce section and I started blacking out while pushing my buggy...So after realizing this and almost running into someone I headed straight for the first checkout in site...

Made it to the checkout and I was about to start putting my items on the counter (fast lane since I had few items - right by front door also)...I felt the blacking out coming on again but then I started twitching really hard and I know my head was turning to the left and looking towards the light and I couldn't do anything...Next thing I remember I woke up with paramedics and my brother in law standing/sitting/squatting over me. I had NO clue as to what just happened. Well here's what happened in the between time that I don't remember.

After the twitching and when I realized I couldn't do anything is when the seizure came on. Apparently my brother in law, Wayne, and my niece and step daughter were walking into Walmart at the same time I was falling from the seizure. Well apparently (and luckily) I fell forward into the buggy...Mind you my son, Triton, was in the basket part so I am sure I scared him to death...The man in front of me grabbed me and laid me down so that away I wouldn't fall and hurt myself in the process anymore than I already had. That's when my brother in law realized it was me. He came over and was there with me through the process and also with the kids (thank God). The sweet people of Walmart formed a circle around me (is what I am told) and would not allow people to stop and stare. Paramedics got there and got me on the stretcher and into the ambulance and they allowed me to wait for Albert to get there since I was stable. Albert got there and they told him he would have to follow the ambulance and so him and his Dad followed us there. I was taken to Hillcrest and I was in the ER. They did a CAT scan and some blood work and all came back normal. I was released from the hospital and asked to follow up with a nuerologist.

Well Valentine's Day I had an appointment with the nuerologist. He was very thorough with me and told me that with the kids that we have and the job that I am doing he wants to keep me functioning and not have the seizure happen again especially since I am a mom and most of the time I have one or more of the kids with me. He is starting me on a medication, Lamictal XR, as of tomorrow. I am starting on a low dose and gradually building up to the dosage that he would like me to be at. I have to go back on March 3rd for an EEG and then again on March 14th for a 1 month checkup on the meds. Luckily there have been no more seizures...At this point no one is able to tell why I have had the seizures I have had because they are so random and so far between its hard to capture it happening. My first seizure I was 14, my 2nd seizure was in May 2009 and this last one was in January 2011. So 3 total in 12 years. So we will see how things go from here with the medication and all...

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