Friday, May 27, 2011

Disappointment to Happiness...

Well yesterday at work (Tulsa) my boss sends me an email and asks me if I can work Monday thru Thursday in Cushing and work on Friday in Tulsa. So I get it all situated and straighted out with my managers in Tulsa and babysitter scheduled and everything. Sent Triton with my mother in law/brother in law to Kansas City since the daycare is closed. Scheduled another baby sitter for Preslee since daycare was closed. Got it all planned...

Then my boss comes into my office today and tells me that I can do "something" (can't remember) on Tuesday through Friday. I said I'm here Monday through Thursday and Friday in Tulsa and she said "No I must have emailed you wrong" so now I'm OFF Monday!!! Yay!

Extra day with the hubby at home. We do have many plans this weekend. Saturday my Mom is going with me to drastically change my hair and then go visit some graves in Wagoner. Sunday Albert and I are going to visit Skylar's grave and then Monday who knows what that holds for us!

But I'm just glad that I'm off now...And that my blog is now working again from work! YAY!

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