Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just a Random Update...

Well there has been alot of new stuff go on...Some good and some bad! Plus extremely busy on top of all of that...

Friday night my mother in law came out and they took both of the kids home with her so Albert and I could spend the weekend together doing things. I wasn't so sure about that because I hate my kids being gone all weekend. But they went. Friday night I cleaned and then Saturday we got up and around and went down to Mayfest and walked around for about an hour. Left there and went to Sooner Surplus and bought a few things and then ate at Lin Cuisine (my favorite restaraunt) and then came home and went riding. My brothers (Tommy & Cody) and their significant others (Dara & Michelle) came down also. We were there for a long time and then Tommy & Dara had to leave because my mother had their kiddos. Well the night grew dark and then we went riding for our last ride of the night (our 4 wheelers have lights). We normally go to the back of the "park" and there are some hills that we go up and there is another spot to ride up there. We went to go up them and Albert took off first, I was set to go 2nd, Michelle 3rd, and Cody last. I turned around and asked Michelle is this the hill we normally go up and she wasn't sure and neither was I. So I took off up the hill...Unfortunately it wasn't the hill that we normally go up and because I wasn't expecting that hill it caused an accident. My bike stalled and I held onto my brakes and clutch but my bike was sliding in the mud. I figured it would just slide back down the hill like I came up (wishful thinking). The hills that we climb are like HUGE ruts...Perfect size for a 4 wheeler to go up and that is about it. The walls are probably 5-6ft tall. Well my bike, rolling backwards, hit the side wall and it tried to go "up" it and when it did my 4 wheeler flipped. I landed on my right hip and then hit my back. I kept ahold of the handles on my bike and when it started to come down on me I took my legs/feet and kicked it over. My husband says he doesn't know how I did it but I knew that either I got the bike away from me or I would be seriously hurt if that landed on me. I didn't hurt myself other than a few bruises and sore muscles, thank God...Albert also informed us that when he got to the top he got off his bike and was screaming at us not to come up it. We couldn't hear on the bottom of the hill and couldn't see up the hill. It was dark and then we had 3 running 4 wheelers down at bottom of hill. We went home after that!

Sunday Albert let me sleep in since I had a rough day Saturday. He went outside and pulled a motor out of an old truck he has been wanting to do for awhile. I finally got up and around and we then attempted riding again. Cody and Michelle came back down and we rode almost all day. We were following Albert through some trails and things and everything was going great. Well he went up another hill (different one this time - one we have never been up). Albert and Cody went up and then I went up, it curved at the top and after the curve it was flat on the right side but had about 1 foot or a little more of a tree root that the 4 wheeler would have to make it over. I hit the tree root and my bike went over but from hitting it, it jarred me, it jarred me right into my motor/pipes on my 4 wheeler. I felt the burn and with all of that I had stalled my bike out again by letting off the clutch. In my moment of panic sitting on an incline my bike starting to go backwards and in seconds last night flashed in my mind and thought "Ashlee get ahold of your brake and clutch and pray to God you don't fall because this one will be way worse" and I held tight to that brake and clutch and my brother and husband come and took ahold of each one so I could climb off. I got off and out of the way so my husband could get my 4 wheeler up over that hill and I was checking out my leg and I hear the engine on my 4 wheeler and look up and it is right in my face coming down. When he took off and hit that tree root again it make the bike JUMP and it was coming at me so I jumped backwards and it landed about a foot in front of me. We checked out my leg and it was BURNT. So we ride the 4 wheelers back down and we continue to ride for a few more hours. Left there and went to my mother in law/brother in law's house and had dinner, picked up the kids, and her being a nurse she gave me some burn cream, gauze, tape, etc.
This is a picture from today (05/26/11) and this happened on 05/22/2011. Many nurses have said it looks really good. This is also my inner, right thigh!

Also in the midst of this whole ordeal the clouds were amazingly beautiful and Albert mentioned that he felt Skylar was watching and looking down on us and taking care of us those last two days. He said that those beautiful clouds made him think that his baby girl is up there and she is playing on those clouds...
When he said that it just broke my heart but at the same time I felt some peace to hear him say something like this. When we got to his Mom/Brother's he told everyone there to go look outside and he told them the same thing. This was a beautiful day down below the Keystone Dam.

Friday one of Albert's cousins died, he lived in Clearwater, KS, and his funeral was Tuesday. I got off work to go with Albert and the family down there. We left about 1040a and by what my mother in law had said the night before I wasn't sure we would make it back in time to pick up the kids from daycare so she mentioned just taking them with us, so we did. Triton rode with us about half way there and then he got in the Tahoe with everyone else. We took 2 vehicles (Tahoe - Wayne, Mom, Richard, Baylee, Justice, and Madison and then our car - Me, Albert, and the 2 kids).
Preslee sleeping on the car ride down there...

We got to the funeral and there was so many people. Kurt Layton died from ALS and he had fought so hard and long and also was raising so much money for this research group. All the people that he had worked with, volunteered with, etc was there. The kids did great. Once the funeral was over we left and headed back home. All the way home we listened to the weather (this is the night of the tornados in Oklahoma). The tornados were touching down in OKC area while we were in KS and both us and the storm was heading towards "our" town. We considered going into Sand Springs to get Albert a new phone but then we decided to get home and get settled in before the storms came. By the way the news was saying it looked like the "tornados" were going to miss us and we were all just doing are things. Albert had talked to a friend of his that lives about 2 blocks behind us and they said there is a storm cellar down there that a lady has and she doesn't care who comes in. Albert & I were standing on the front porch watching the sky and looking around (it was NOT raining). Then I went inside to check the weather and he came flying through the front door and said "get the kids now the sirens are going off" and so I went into panic mode. Put Preslee into her carseat, Triton's shoes on, grabbed the diaper bag, my purse, phone and ran to the car. Albert grabbed the dogs and jumped in his truck and went down there and got in the storm cellar. By the time we started driving from our driveway the sirens were going off in Stillwater, Oilton, Yale,and Cleveland so we could hear them and then as we are trying to get the kids into the cellar the Mannford sirens are going off and the Mannford police are flying through the neighborhood with their lights on telling us all to take cover. We finally got in there and then the rain started and the town of Mannford got BLACK. Albert didn't get in the cellar until it started hailing. He stayed during the wind but said the wind was blowing him around and it was just crazy. There was us (4 of us), the neighbors across the street from us and their 2 dogs, another lady (by herself), and the lady that "owned" it with her 3 boys and their small dog. We had a crew but she said it will hold 20 people standing. We made it through it all.
Preslee in the storm cellar...

We got out of the storm cellar (sprinkling) and by the time we drove back to the house it wasn't doing anything. We started our dinner and ate and then got ready for bed like nothing ever happened. But thank God for the lady with the storm cellar because we were so frightened and that was a lifesaver.

Throughout this past weekend and currently I have been debating on doing something "different" with my hair. Those of you that know me know that I have black on bottom and blonde with highlights on top...My hair has been like this for over 3 years now. So the girl from Thompson Square that has the black hair with the blonde chunky highlights has been my inspiration and I think/planning on doing that this Saturday. I'm also considering putting a pink feather in my hair!? If we are going to go different lets do it different!

I'm very basic so this is "crazy" to me but I love her hair...

Saturday I'm going to have my hair done and Triton is going with my mother in law/brother in law to Kansas City, Missouri all weekend (my step daughter and niece have soccer tournaments). My mom is going with me to have my hair done and watch Preslee and then from there we are driving down to Wagoner to visit my Papa's grave. My uncle, great grandma, great grandpa, and my great uncle are also down there. I didn't make it last year and I'm bound and determined this year. Albert is going to be working on the yard so he isn't going and since I will be half way to Wagoner from where I will be at in Broken Arrow it seems silly to drive from Mannford to BA and then from BA to Mannford and then from Mannford to Wagoner so my Mom and I are going. Sunday Albert and I are going to go out and visit with Skylar and see her grave. It has been awhile but we have just been so busy and overwhelmed. I know this does not make up for the missed time at her gravesite but she goes through my mind all the time and I always remember her.

A lady on FB - Gabriel's Wings - Made this. She does these free. I LOVE it!
She says it's from her angel to your angel! Makes my heart smile for the generosity.

We are also gearing up for Preslee's 6 month pictures...So I have had an outfit (onesie, tutu, and bow) made for her. I LOVE it also. Her Daddy has awesome tattoos (or so I think) and I seen this shirt and I just had to have it. So it's the main shirt for pictures and the one I have in mind is Albert's arms coming down beside her while she is sitting (so you see his tattoos and you can read her outfit)...
Isn't this just the cutest...
She is also on Facebook...Visit her site at Remington's Rad Design's. She has so many designs and such cute stuff and VERY good prices. I have ordered MANY shirts from her now and also go another friend ordering from her.

So today Preslee had her 6 month check up - She weighs 17lbs 3.5ozs and she is 27 inches long. Doctor says she looks perfect and she is in the 90% on her length and 75% on her weight. She is great! She also got 3 shots today. No more shots until she is 1 year old.

She sat up ALL BY HERSELF for the FIRST time today at the doctor's office...
She's getting so big...

She has been fussy tonight, understandable since she got 3 shots, so she has slept alot. She played for a bit and then I got out her walker (first time) she is just a tad to short but she can reach the ground with ONE leg and she was able to push herself backwards just a bit. It was so cute.

She also played in her exersaucer for just a bit and I got the cutest picture...

She has her tongue out all the time. I love it...

That is all for now. Once I do my hair I will post pictures and an update!

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