Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So Friday when I got off work I went to the house and picked up Albert so I could take him to the US Cellular store to get a new phone. Got there and it was nothing but hassle and NO phone was got. So we discussed iPhones and different carriers but then kind of knocked iPhone out of the question because of how pricey they are. Well got to looking around that night and found out that Verizon was going to save us money on the plan so what do you know...We bought us 2 iPhones...YAY!!!!!

This girl has never been so happy to get a phone...Yes I know they have been out for awhile but you know we just got it. We also have a new carrier...Verizon! So far so good plus a cheaper plan and awesome phones... iPhone 4!

Today, while at work, I discovered an app called Shopping List...No longer do I need to hand write my shopping list out...I can do it in my phone...Why hadn't I known about this a long time ago I would have so got this phone just for the apps. Amazing what a little phone can do for you!

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